Planning and Organising a Christening

The steps required to organise a Christening with information about parent and godparent roles, ceremony requirements and appropriate gifts.

In certain sects of Christianity, children are initiated into religious life through infant baptism. The term Baptism from the Greek "Baptizein" means "to immerse". It is the universal rite of initiation in the Christian church, performed with water, either in the name of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) or Christ. It involves either a ritual immersion or water being poured over the infant's head.

Requirements for Baptism differ according to the denomination. Orthodox and Baptist churches require total immersion. Other churches practice the pouring (affusion) or sprinkling (aspersion) methods for conducting the ceremony. Generally, Baptism is regarded as a sacrament, or a sign of grace. Some denominations regard it as an ordinance or rite commanded by God. Although there are obvious differences between different denominations, the essence of Baptism is to initiate infants, children and adults into Christian religious life.

Parents' Role

Churches require some participation from parents seeking to baptize a child. Parents should contact their church during pregnancy to find out the necessary steps they must take to plan and prepare for the the Christening. The parents need to contact the Parish of their choice to register the child, and themselves. Some churches have certain dates put aside for Baptisms while some are more flexible. Parents may be asked to attend a Baptism preparation class and meet the Priest in charge of the ceremony. Some churches allow this to take place before the child is born . Contact your church for precise requirements.

When contacting the church, find out what the church provides for the ceremony. Usually, churches will provide a bib or cloth to drape over the child. The church will usually provide the candles. Not all churches will insist that the child wear a gown or that it must be white in colour. Christening gowns are traditionally worn by both boys and girls. White is generally preferred for the gown to symbolise purity and youth. Also find out whether the ceremony will take place during a regular church service or at a private ceremony. One last question to ask would be whether the child will be fully immersed in water. If so, be sure to bring a towel to dry the child.


The role of the Godparents is integral to the Christening ceremony. It is the Godparents' traditional role to select the garment for the child will wear on the day. It is more usual nowadays for the Mother and Godmother to select the outfit. As a parent, it is your responsibility to tell the Godparents what their responsibilities should be. The day of the Baptism should be a day where the Godparents have taken care of the infant's needs.

The Godparents are generally composed of both a female and male member, not necessarily from the same couple. However only one Godparent is actually necessary. One of the Godparents often needs to be a practicing member of the faith into which the child is being baptised and some denominations will insists that the Godparent needs to be at least sixteen years of age and have received the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist.

Godparents may be asked to perform ritual functions during the ceremony, such as holding the child, praying over the child and to make promises for the child's religious growth. After the ceremony, the role of the Godparents is to look after the child's religious path.

Christening Ceremony

Although each religious denomination is different, the essentials of a Christening ceremony are broadly similar. The child generally needs a special outfit, usually white in colour and should have accompanying shoes and socks. Undershirts may have a symbolic cross embroidered upon them. A bib and blanket are possible additions to the ceremony and can be kept in the child's keepsake box. Other possible additions are a satin or eyelet covered bible that the minister of the ceremony could bless or a satin boutonniere or bracelet.


Appropriate gifts to give for a Christening include:

  • a monetary gift in the child's name
  • a photograph album (perhaps monogrammed with the baby's name)
  • an identification bracelet of gold or silver
  • cross and heart necklaces
  • earrings