It was a fantastic experience!

5 stars - WowSonic are Highly Recommended

Review Venue / Pub / Club Event London

booked WowSonic for their event


Last year I saw WowSonic play at the Brixton Jamm. The crowd at the event was young, probably university students and other people close to my age, and the spirits were high. Everyone was chatting excitedly about what we were going to see. When the lights went out and the countdown finished, energetic music filled the room and everyone started dancing and enjoying themselves. Song after song I was more and more immersed in the show and was thoroughly enjoying myself. WowSonic ensured that we heard some all-time favourites and also presented to us some original work. What I especially liked was the fact that I heard a fresh take on songs I already know which made them even more interesting. At the end of the night I was feeling energised and went home recharged. Altogether, it was a fantastic experience and I had a blast! I am looking forward to having the chance to see WowSonic  perform again.