Review of The Comedy Illusionists

5 stars - The Comedy Illusionists are Highly Recommended


booked The Comedy Illusionists for their event

Three-handed magic, illusion and comedy patter act, The Comedy Illusionists, came next. Here we have a quirky and witty act, which is impressive, fresh and original. Television would surely love this 21st century take on the art of the illusionist. Here we have a male illusionist who is like Derren Brown on speed, while his sage and acerbic partner makes an admirable foil. Completing the line-up is the obligatory female assistant, but this performer is no superfluous prancer. Instead she seems all too aware of how goonish and plain daft her male colleagues appear on stage. In short, The Comedy Illusionists is the most original and ground-breaking new speciality act I have seen in many years.