A stunning two hour set of blues, Motown and soul music.

5 stars - (Blues Brothers) Blues Brothers Live are Highly Recommended

Review Public Event,

booked Blues Brothers Live for their event

A stunning two hour set of blues, Motown and soul music rocked the stage of the Bristol Hippodrome on Sunday 19 July 2015. Taking its groovy riffs and vibes of effortless cool from the 1980 movie The Blues Brothers, directed by John Landis and starring comedy actors Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, pork pie hats and shades were the du jour attire for much of the crowd, who were from the outset clearly in a rambunctious, boisterous mood to have a good time. The Blues Brothers themselves were given spirited, energetic reincarnations in the form of Chris Hindle as Jake and Gareth Davey as Elwood. Backed by a seven-piece live band and two singers, the evening was a relentless cavalcade of classic tunes including She Caught The Katy, Sweet Home Chicago, Minnie the Moocher, Everybody Needs Some Lovin', Jailhouse Rock and Shake a Tail Feather. This was a high-octane, adrenaline pumping musical mash-up and the songs were belted out with incredible emotion and passion. Also refreshing was the fact that each of the individual instrumentalists and singers were given their own opportunity to shine in the spotlight, showcasing their cracking vocal skills and musical barnstorming. The occasional bit of on-stage comedy banter and intermittent slapstick were hit-and-miss, but the audience interaction was a real hoot and got everyone standing up, grooving the groove and hitting those moves. My palms are still red raw and blistered from the majority of the evening which was spent clapping vigorously along with the band. The Chicago Blues Brothers has taken the iconic, cult icons of Jake and Elwood and jump-started it for a new generation with an energy that is indisputably infectious and a dazzling, riotous, exuberant spirit and heart that is impossible to resist. A vibrant, animated evening in the company of sensational performers lending their impeccable talents to the songs of Ray Charles, James Brown, Otis Reading, Aretha Franklin and a dizzying slew of legendary others. Overflowing with heart and brimming with soul (man). Without doubt, you'll want to shake your tail feather. 5/5 Reviewed by Jamie Caddick for The Bristol Website